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Strategic Investment Advisors, LTD

Dimensional Fund Advisors

Our passive asset class investment approach is translated by Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) into an array of mutual funds, each of which is rigorously designed to capture a particular “dimension” or asset class within a globally diversified portfolio. (DFA is our primary but not exclusive source for implementing our recommended investment approach, Strategic Investment Advisors receives no compensation from DFA for using its funds nor are we under any obligation to use them if they do not best meet your particular investment needs.)

Watch these videos for more information about Dimensional.


For more than 30 years, Dimensional has been translating compelling research into practical investment solutions for their clients. In this video Chairman and CEO David Booth and others talk about the firm’s founding and its close ties to the academic community.

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This video underscores how science has transformed every aspect of our lives, including investing. Dimensional’s strategies are available to individual investors through a select group of independent fee-based advisors, such as Strategic Investment Advisors, Ltd.

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These brochures also provide more information about Dimensional and their investment strategies.

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Strategic Investment Advisors, Ltd. is a registered investment adviser with the states of Missouri and Illinois and may only transact business with residents of those states, or residents of other states where otherwise legally permitted to exemption or exclusion from registration requirements.