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Strategic Investment Advisors, LTD


Factors and Emerging Markets

There have been so many factors identified in the academic literature that John Cochrane, in his 2011 presidential address to the American Finance Association, famously described it as a factor “zoo.” With 600 or more having been “discovered,” how can investors determine which factors are suitable for investment? …Read More.

A More Complex View On Value

Larry Swedroe shows that book-to-market isn’t the only criteria for defining the value factor. Eugene Fama and Kenneth French’s 1992 paper, “The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns,” resulted in the development of the Fama–French three-factor model. This model …Read More.

When Vice Outperforms Virtue

Larry Swedroe checks the research on socially responsible vs. “vice” investing. Socially responsible investing (SRI) has been referred to as “double-bottom-line” investing. The implication is that investors are seeking not only profitable investments, but investments that meet their …Read More.

Investors Respond to Feedback

Feedback on investment decisions helps improve investor performance: Larry Swedroe unpacks the research. It’s been well documented that, on average, retail investors are “dumb” money. For example, on average, the stocks they buy go on to underperform, and …Read More.

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