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Strategic Investment Advisors, LTD


A New 4 Factor Investing Model

For about three decades, the working asset pricing model was the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), with beta—specifically market beta—being its sole factor. Then, in 1993, the Fama-French three-factor model—which added size and value—replaced the CAPM as the …Read More.

Complexity Is the Investing Devil

Huffington Post

What do the following investments have in common? Options Covered calls Collateralized mortgage obligations Non-traded REITs Master limited partnerships Variable annuities Equity-indexed annuities Hedge funds Principal protected notes Private equity Here’s the answer: They are all complex investments. …Read More.

Solving The Volatility Puzzle

One of the interesting puzzles in finance is that stocks with greater idiosyncratic volatility (IVOL) have produced lower returns. This is an anomaly, because idiosyncratic volatility is viewed as a risk factor—greater volatility should be rewarded with higher, …Read More.

Honing In On Value

Haim Mozes and John Launny Steffens, authors of the study “Getting More Value Out of the Value Factor,” which was published in The Journal of Investing’s Winter 2015 issue, have attempted to create a model that can accurately …Read More.

Overconfident Enemy In Mirror

One of the questions I’m most often asked by reporters covering finance is: “What are the biggest risks facing investors?” My usual response is that the biggest risk confronting most investors is staring right back at them when …Read More.

Hedge Funds Grow, Returns Fall

Over the past decade, investors have continued to pour new assets into hedge funds. Total hedge fund assets under management are now greater than $2.6 trillion, and the number of hedge funds continues to grow (current estimates put …Read More.

Equity Offerings & Tail Risk

It’s logical to believe that corporate managers have a preference for issuing equity at times they perceive their firm’s stock price is overvalued or high relative to some benchmark (such as price-to-earnings ratio or book-to-market ratio). The academic …Read More.

More On The Bad News Delay

Earlier this week, we discussed a March 2016 study by Rodney Boehme, Veljko Fotak and Anthony May, “Crash Risk and Seasoned Equity Offerings,” which provided evidence that companies will tend to withhold (and accumulate) bad news for an …Read More.

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